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Signs of Steroid Use:

Many people believe that steroid consumption is just for professional athletes and competing bodybuilders; however, the vast majority of people who take steroids do not fit into either of these categories. In reality, many steroid users merely want a body with more definition rather than the conventional bodybuilder look.

The indications and symptoms of steroid use are listed below.

Bloated Stomach:

Yes, a bulging, hard stomach that makes you look pregnant could indicate steroid use.

It's known as "the GH gut." That's what occurs when Human Growth Hormone is misused (HGH).

Growth hormones do enhance muscular build and stamina, but too much of them can make you look like you're three months pregnant.

However, various supplements are taken by steroid users to decrease this negative effect. Clenbuterol and Liothyronine (T3), for example, are fat-burning hormones.

Constantly Flushed Skin:

The most effective muscle-building medicines, such as Dianabol and Trenbolone, have been found to raise LDL cholesterol, which can cause blood pressure to elevate. The presence of redness indicates that your body temperature is rising and that blood is circulating more freely to your skin. Though men with flushed skin may have some muscle definition, the reddish hue is most typically the result of steroid use.

Steroid users are more likely to have higher body temperatures due to their increased levels of body fat. As a result, they sweat more than other people.

Someone may be using steroids if they've lately acquired a lot of muscle and their skin is the color of a tomato.

Sudden Onset of Acne:

Your skin is usually healthy but not great if you're on steroids. Since steroids activate the sebaceous glands, which contribute to higher sebum production, acne is prevalent among steroid users.

Sebaceous glands produce sebum, a waxy material that protects the skin from toxins and pathogens. Acne outbreaks are caused by too much sebum.

To be honest, not every steroid user will get acne. Because some people produce very little sebum, taking steroids alone will not be enough to cause acne breakouts.

If you have acne-prone genes or have had acne outbreaks as a teenager, you should think hard about using steroids because they might produce acne eruptions that are orders of magnitude worse than you're used to.

There are, however, some drugs that can help prevent acne breakouts while on steroids. Antibiotics such as Doxycycline (Doxee), Amoxicillin (Vemox), and retinoids such as Isotretinoin are among them (Accutane or Tretizen).

Visible Vascularity:

If your partner appears to have a lot of vascularity, it could be a clue that he or she is taking performance-enhancing drugs like Winstrol. Since most steroids induce the body to produce less collagen, steroid users are frequently mistaken for bodybuilders and have huge, visible veins.

Bodybuilders' veins rise closer to the surface of their skin when their skin thins, giving them a much more vascular appearance than normal.


Man boobs are referred to as gynecomastia. This occurs as a result of elevated oestrogen levels. Male sex hormones produced in the testes and released into the bloodstream are known as steroid hormones.

Oestrogen, the female sex hormone, rises after using steroids. Consuming steroids increase yourtestosterone levels rise, and your body responds by increasing estrogen levels which is the exact reverse of what you want because high estrogen levels for longer durations encourage breast growth.

Some males are genetically susceptible to developing gynecomastia, or enlarged breasts, throughout adolescence. Although there isn't much you can do about it, there are certain ways that can help lessen the symptoms. Even if you don't consider yourself a bodybuilder, the right supplements might help you gain a lot of muscle and strength.

Some supplements that can help with gynecomastia symptoms include Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid), Tamoxifen Citrate (Nolvadex), Anastrozole (Arimidex), Letrozole (Femara), and Exemestane (Aromasin).

Deep Voice:

Women that use steroids have a voice that is significantly lower than other women's, almost male-like. They'll have one of those voices where you can't tell if they're a boy or a girl just by listening to them.

Excess Facial Hair:

In certain situations, women may grow facial hair in regions where they wouldn't ordinarily grow it, such as their lower lips or chin. This is an unpleasant and undesirable side effect of a woman's body having higher testosterone levels.

Muscle Mass Increases Suddenly:

Of course, drugs aren't responsible for all rapid muscle gains. However, if someone is building muscles at an extraordinary rate, it's a major indicator that they're taking steroids.

Steroid users can acquire 20-30 pounds of muscle in just a few months, which is incredible considering that even experienced bodybuilders are lucky to gain a pound of muscle per week.

Stretch Marks:

Due to the fast increases in muscle mass that steroid users experience, stretch marks are common. You'll see a number of new, highly apparent stretch marks on your body after a few months of consuming steroids.

Loss of hair:

While steroids may cause increased hair growth, you should expect to lose a substantial amount of hair on your head.

Even if it isn't immediately apparent, steroids can cause significant hair loss in both men and women. If you've been using steroids for longer than necessary, you'll likely see some noticeable hair loss if you don't seek treatment.

Hair Growth Increased Throughout the Body:

Steroid users frequently grow an abnormal amount of hair on their faces and bodies. This is particularly true for female consumers. They'll notice hair growing in places like their legs and back, but it's all due to elevated testosterone levels.

Wrapping Up

Steroids are a great way to quickly gain strength and muscle mass, but they can be harmful if taken wrong. Steroids can be taken in conjunction with a weightlifting regimen to aid in the development of strength and muscle mass.


How do you tell if someone is using steroids?

Detecting steroid use physically is quite challenging because it can have different effects on different humans. Usually, large muscles, perfectly lean physique, glowing facial skin, mood swings, and acne are the major signs that someone may be using anabolic steroids. 

However, all these signs can also happen due to many other reasons. Therefore, detecting someone using steroids or not without performing a medical test is impossible. 

What are the 5 common effects of steroids?

Steroids' effects on the human body vary from individual to individual, type of steroids, and dosage or cycle length. However, some commonly noticed impacts on users' health and physique may include;  

  1. Enhanced performance

  2. Rapid muscles bulking

  3. perfectly lean physique

  4. Reduced recovery time 

  5. Improved bones density

What are the side effects of steroids on health?

Steroids' side effects are linked to over or wrong dosage and vary from individual to individual depending on their immunity, body weight, and tolerance to drugs. 

When consumed in higher quantities and for a long duration, steroids may affect your health in the following ways;

  • Liver damage 

  • Cardiovascular problems 

  • Hormonal imbalance 

  • Acne 

  • Hair fall and pattern baldness

  • Headache, nausea, and insomnia 

How long do steroids stay in your system?

It is mainly linked to the type or form of anabolic steroids and their half-life. Usually, injectable steroids last in your system for a longer duration than oral steroids. Therefore, injectable steroid usage can be detected even after months while oral steroids are not. 

Do steroids permanently change your body?

No, not all changes are permanent. Usually, steroid users have to consume steroids regularly to maintain their health and fitness. 

Performing regular exercise and strictly following the diet chart can help you to maintain muscle growth and a lean physique permanently but other changes like hormonal imbalance and altered cholesterol levels can be reversed automatically after quitting steroid usage.  

Do steroids lower immunity?

No, most anabolic steroids add to the overall immunity and body performance of the users. However, when consumed in higher quantities and for long durations, they can adversely impact the users' immunity. It can result in increasing the risk of infections and illness if not treated properly at early stages. 

Do steroids make you tired?

It depends on the user's physical health, fitness or body weight, and immunity. Usually, steroids are performance and endurance boosters but some people can feel tiredness, muscle fatigue, and restlessness. 

How do steroids affect your Behaviour?

They can impact users' behavior in different ways depending on their type and potential. Usually, steroid users can witness greatly enhanced aggression or intensity to perform intense workouts after using anabolic steroids. 

What mood changes with steroids?

Just like other factors, it also depends on individual immunity and type of anabolic steroids. However, commonly occurring mood changes due to steroid usage may include; 

  • Sudden mood swings

  • Enhanced irritability 

  • Depression 

  • Anxiety 

  • Sleeplessness