
Genshi Labs Clomid 50

  • Product Code: CGL-50
  • Availability: In Stock

Price: $70 $84

Clomid 50, manufactured by Fenshi Lab International is an efficient and effective PCT or post-cycle therapy drug. It allows users to retain their natural hormonal balance and preserve their muscle mass even during the relaxing phase, making it a helpful tool for bodybuilders and athletes to avoid the androgenic side effects of steroids.

It was initially synthesized to treat infertility in females as it stimulates hormone production that is never for evolution. However, after the discovery of its anabolic properties, bodybuilders and athletes started using it as a go-to drug for post-cycle therapy. 

It is found in the form of oral tablets that are quite easy to intake. Despite FDA approval as a fertility drug for women, it is generally not allowed to be taken as a bodybuilding steroid. Due to this reason users often face challenges in purchasing it without a doctor's prescription. However, you can easily buy it in the legit form and at pretty affordable rates from Steroid FAX. 


  • The primary benefit of Clomid 5 is its incredible potential to restore testosterone levels. It stimulates the pituitary gland to increase the production of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which in turn suppress the estrogen release and boost testosterone production. 

  • When used under medical supervision, it can significantly reduce the risk of estrogen-related side effects. It can block estrogen receptors in the hypothalamus, which results in reducing the risk of developing estrogenic side effects such as gynecomastia or breast tissue development in men. 

  • Along with testosterone retention, Clomid also helps users to maintain muscle gains. 

Dosage and Cycle

Unlike anabolic-androgenic steroids, PCT drugs are usually recommended to take in higher quantities at the initial stage and then taper down over a few weeks. Generally, its dosage can range from 50 to 100 mg per day but it can vary depending on the type and length of steroid cycle. Therefore, make sure to reach its dosage after meticulous attention to each detail and consulting with a professional. 

Clomid 5 cycle usually lasts 4 weeks because it is highly effective and can speedily reset the hormonal balance of your body. 

Package 100 tabs, 50mg/tab
Manufacturer Gensi Labs
Raw Material Clomiphene citrate

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