
Genshi Labs Methandienone 25

  • Product Code: MGL-25
  • Availability: In Stock

Price: $50 $68

Methandienone 25, also known as Dianbol or Dbol is a modified derivative of Testosterone that has potent anabolic properties and helps bodybuilders to avoid androgenic side effects like gynecomastia in males. It is an ideal steroid for those who want to grow large muscles and increase their strength in a short duration. 

It was initially developed to help American athletes build strong muscles and compete with the Soviet Union's athletes.

Professional bodybuilders and athletes use it to build strong large muscles and enhance their performance, allowing them to lift heavy weights effortlessly. However, it is legally banned in the bodybuilding field because of its potential for abuse. 


Finding legit Methandienone 25 can be quite challenging because of legal restrictions but choosing SteroidsFAX can solve this issue. SteroidsFAX is an online store that is renowned for authentic products, discrete packaging, and competent rates. It is providing a pack of Methandienone 25 for $ 50 only. 


When used under professional supervision, Methandienone 25 can bring a myriad of potential benefits to you which are listed below; 

  • Most bodybuilders use Methandienone because of its ability to significantly increase muscle mass in a short period. It enhances protein synthesis by increasing nitrogen retention which in turn adds to muscle fibres, making it popular during bulking cycles.

  • The second most important benefit of this potent, anabolic steroid is its enhanced strength. Users often experience a noticeable increase in strength after using Methandienone, allowing them to lift heavier weights and train more intensely.

  • It also increases red blood cell count, improving oxygen delivery to muscles, which enhances endurance and recovery.

Dosage and Cycle 

It is a potent steroid and users are often advised to start with a lower dosage at the initial stage. Its dosage can range from 20 to 50 mg per day depending on users' fitness level, bodybuilding goals, and tolerance to drugs. 

Its cycle usually lasts 4 to 6 weeks only. It is an oral steroid that carries the risk of hepatotoxicity, so make sure to not exceed the cycle limit without consulting with a professional. 

Package 100 tabs, 25mg/tab
Manufacturer Genshi Labs
Raw Material Methandienone

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